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Car in the Cloud - The Original

The Car in the Cloud™ (CarCloud™) solution equals our other auto- motive cloud computing platform AutoCloud™, but differs in the point that it focuses on the vehicle and not on the driver and the pass- engers. Accordingly, the CarCloud is also based on the related features of our distributed computing architecture and our AutoSemantic::Car™ package on the one hand and on the other hand also the base for the services:

  • MapCloud™ and
  • AutoMapCloud™.

    Generally, four scenarios are envisioned by the so-called car-to-x concept:

  • car to home,
  • car to enterprise,
  • car to infrastructure, and
  • car to car.

    A further invention by us is the integration of our CarCloud™ and AutoCloud™ computing paradigms with our Swarm Intelligence System™ (SIS)/Swarming™ that in the case of the car to car scenario is also included in the AutoSemantic™ extension package of the OntoLix™ and OntoLinux™ systems, while the swarm computing paradigm is already a special feature of both systems.

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH